The Road to Better Data Ownership – Part 2

Single Version Of The Truth

Data is the lifeblood of our applications, and ensuring its freshness is vital for accurate decision-making and analysis. While designing the WellOps platform, and later RigReports, we chose to implement a live database infrastructure to provide users with up-to-date and synchronized data across multiple applications and interfaces, eliminating the need for data synchronization between transactional and analytical databases.

It is common for Oil & Gas software applications to use separate databases for the different modules as well as for analytical processes. For example, an application might have one database where the field data capture application saves data to. Another database that is used for aggregating the field data and performing allocations or calculations on it, and yet another database for reporting.

This division often requires complex and time-consuming data synchronization procedures, making it challenging to maintain data consistency and freshness. In the past we had to implement offline-data entry and synchronization features in several of our applications and we know full well how complex synchronization can be, and the problems it can create.

This is why we did not implement offline-data entry capabilities in RigReports and will be are sunsetting and synchronization, which used to be a very important feature of our platform in the past when users were working in areas without any internet coverage or connectivity. However, now that internet access is available virtually worldwide thanks to cheap (compared to years ago) satellite connectivity, this is no longer such a deal breaker.

By adopting a live database architecture, all the applications built on top of our platform access the same database in real time. This means that any updates, additions, or modifications to the data are immediately available to all connected applications. As a result, users can rely on a single, authoritative source of data without worrying about inconsistencies or delays due to synchronization processes.

The benefits of a live database go beyond ensuring data freshness. It also enables seamless collaboration and integration across different applications. For example, when multiple teams or individuals are working on various aspects of a project, they can all access the same live database, ensuring everyone has access to the most current and accurate information. This collaborative environment promotes efficient decision-making, fosters teamwork, and avoids duplication of efforts.

Furthermore, with a live database, users can perform real-time analysis and reporting without the need for complex data extraction or synchronization routines. This empowers users to derive valuable insights from their data instantaneously, enabling them to make informed decisions promptly.

In summary, RigReports’ utilization of a live database ensures that users always have access to fresh data across all their applications.

By eliminating the need for data synchronization between transactional and analytical databases, we reduced complexity, enhanced collaboration, and provided a foundation for real-time analysis.

Stay tuned for the next points in our roadmap, where we delve further into how our app promotes data ownership and accessibility.

The next step on this journey talks about the different types of end-users and how to provide data to the more tech-savvy users.

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