Calendar Table for Oil & Gas Data (Date Dimension)

Dates in the Oil & Gas industry data can be a little tricky.

Especially when aggregating data, such as production volumes, to a daily level, and trying to connect multiple tables with date columns.

Some tables, such as tank levels or production volumes, could be based on a Gauge Date (aka Report Date) since the data is measured, aggregated, reported or “gauged” on that date (today), but in essence it is yesterday’s data, or to be more accurate, it is the data for the 24 hour period that began yesterday at the contract hour (e.g. 6am) and ended today at that same time, or the Production Date.

Other tables could have actual dates, such as sales tickets, run tickets, operation logs, etc.

Continue reading “Calendar Table for Oil & Gas Data (Date Dimension)”

TX RRC OData Feed – Intro

In this series of articles we will take the RRC data from the SQL database and serve it via an OData REST API and show how we did it.

The series will consist of 3 parts:

  • Part 1: Creating the OData REST API in Visual Studio using Entity Framework Core and C#
  • Part 2: Setup Continuous Integration and Delivery for automated build and release pipelines to publish to Azure using Azure DevOps
  • Part 3: Offering the API to the public via a secured Azure API Management gateway and developer portal

Sounds like a lot…I know, so if you want to fast forward to the end and start testing the API and the data just continue reading…you should be up and running in under 5 minutes.

Continue reading “TX RRC OData Feed – Intro”

Visualizing the RRC Data in the Cloud

Part 1: Well Locations

Last week I wrote a blog post talking about the TX RRC publishing data to the public that previously was only available via a paid subscription.

After downloading the different data sets and examining the various types of data and formats, I decided to take a closer look at the data that might prove to be useful to us and to our Productioneer clients.

It is not uncommon for location and depth data, as well as other well-header and meta data to be incomplete or non-existent during a software migration, after all this data might not be considered crucial for the daily gauge sheets. Especially in the case of Excel gauge sheets, where additional columns are a waste of “prime real estate” and might be considered as cluttering that particular production report.

It would be nice if we have a quick way to pull the Lat Long data in bulk to speed up the on-boarding process.

Continue reading “Visualizing the RRC Data in the Cloud”
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