Power BI Switching between Logarithmic and Linear Scales

Welcome to the second post in our miniseries: “Are You Developing Power BI Reports the Right Way?” In the two-part series we are designing a sample Power BI report visualizing the weather on Mars and using some real world techniques.

The highlights of our first post were:

    • Getting data from Mars
    • Using a JSON file as a data source
    • Performing operations in the “Get Data” phase using M
    • Implementing a Dynamic Slicer
    • Using Chiclet Slicer and Dummyimage to create a Legend Slicer
    • Making design decisions

Note: Due to the popularity of this article, we have developed a custom Power BI line chart visual that is published to the Power BI AppSource Marketplace and has built-in support for allowing the end users to switch the axis scales, read about it in @Talal’s post. and viewing them in Power BI Desktop.

This post will focus on:

    • Switching an Axis Between Logarithmic and Linear Scales via a Slicer
    • Adding a Date Slicer
    • Using a Dark Theme

Continue reading “Power BI Switching between Logarithmic and Linear Scales”

Power BI Legend Slicer from a JSON File with M and DAX

Data is king, or queen depending on your household dynamics. How you communicate that data and its impact to your clients can help or hurt your business. Both your short and long term relationships can hang in the balance, which is why the quality and delivery of your Power BI reports are everything.

Case Study: Power BI Report Development

In this blog post mini-series, we will be taking you through the process of creating a Power BI report. The demo report draws from one we created for a client as part of a larger dashboard project. It implements a line chart to visualize the weather on Mars.

The actual report we developed had nothing to do with Mars, space, or weather, but you should find it useful to understand how real-life issues can be resolved and optimizations can be employed. The first post in the series focuses on data-prep and implementation of a legend slicer.

Continue reading “Power BI Legend Slicer from a JSON File with M and DAX”

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